Frequently Asked Questions
Is MSP Process easy to setup?
MSP Process can be connected to your PSA and setup for End User Verification, SMS and Client Portal in under 10 minutes. We also offer onboarding sessions to help you get setup as well.
How does SMS pooling work?
Our Integrated SMS Plan includes 200 SMS per technician. If you have 10 users you are allowed up to 2000 messages pooled across your technicians.
Is there an onboarding fee?
There is no onboarding fee for the free plan. We will have you up and running in 15 minutes or less.
Onboarding is available for other plans at $395.00 for 2 sessions and $995.00 for up to 5 sessions to have our team guide you through a professional setup.
What does per Tech mean?
Per Technician means users in your PSA that will use MSP Process. You do not need to license users for accounting for example.
Are shared users allowed?
MSP Process does not allow shared or generic logins to the system. This is intentional to ensure all logs and access are documented properly on our side and your PSA under the correct technician account.